Oliver will teach you the secrets that he learned which will helped you master coding

Whether you want to do it for fun, or you want to pursue a career in it, Oliver is the best person to tutor you and help you harness and maximize your coding skills.

The world is fast going digital. And coding, a major core of the digital world is now a hot cake in the tech industry. Coding is a new skill that means people aspire to learn these days. With everything going digital, smart, and automotive, learning to code has become a necessity for many. Coding is a vital component of our everyday life. Gadgets, electronics, and appliances are all coded, but how does coding work?

Coding is the ability to comprehend the syntax and structure of the computer language. The language the computer understands is known as the ‘Machine Code.’ It is almost impossible for humans to understand this language. As a result, the need for a more natural way to interact with computers arose, and a means was devised: The programming language. Hence, the process of using a programming language to make the computer behave the way you want is called coding.

Most programming languages have a handful of things in common. They include; a compiler that converts the code into machine language to enable the computer to understand syntax and rules that must be followed when written.

There is a wide array of programming languages that can be used to write codes. Each line of code instructs the computer to carry out a specific action, and a document containing multiple lines of code is regarded as a script. Scripts will give you the result you want when you compile and execute them.

When you sign up for this course, I will teach you the basics of coding and every other thing you need to know to kick start coding. Because the fundamentals are essential, I will take you through them thoroughly to help you develop and harness your coding skills that would allow you to build various applications. The outline of the course includes but is not limited to:

o Projects

o Programming language

• Coding Environment

• Data Types

• Variables

• Keywords

• Logical and Arithmetical Operator

• Classes and Objects

• Exception Handling

Following the outline, I’ll teach you the coding environment, the types of data available, and how to use them, the keywords, logical and arithmetical operator, exception handling, amongst others. All these are fundamental components of coding and most programming languages.

Because it is essential to choose the best project for you to work you, I will take you through the types of projects available, know the best one for you, and get started.

There is no coding without a programming language, and that is why I will walk you through the inside and out of programming language; they type available such as Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML. PHP, e.t.c. I will also walk you through their uses, advantages, and much more.

Coding isn’t a complex thing to learn, and coding jobs are among the most sought-after today. All you need to become a skilled coder is practice, time, and of course, a good tutor-one that I’m more than happy to be for you.

Contact me to sign up.

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